Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Trendy Tuesday!!!

I know it's been a while.  Life got a little crazy in our houses lol.
Well my latest thrift store finds were a pair of miss me pants and 2 pairs of la idol pants!  I was so excited!!! You really never know what you're going to find.  Then Carole found a Hermes scarf for .50 at a yard sale!! The past month has been really good for us.  I hope your finds are amazing as well!!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Misc Monday, I Love Spring & Pricing Pet Peeves

Happy Monday!

With the arrival of some amazing spring weather, we've been spending alot of time outside.  Several days last week & most of Saturday were spent doing yardwork & property clean up - a neverending project, for certain.  'tis the season for checking the property for dead or otherwise dangerous trees.  Garden time is fast approaching.  The lakes and beaches are calling.   It's time to shrug off the winter doldrums & soak up some real Vitamin D.  It's time to REFRESH!

No matter what the season, it's always THRIFTING time, though! We've found a couple things for the Big 3 Tool Party (June is fast approaching!).  We're on the lookout for all things TOOL.  The little mister thinks he's getting a CHAIN SAW party...ha. NO.

Recently, I've been irritated by some thrift store pricing methods...not how they determine their prices, but how the label their items.  One of our thrift stores uses STAPLES to attach their tags.  Sometimes the staple is in a tag, but not always.  Often, the item will be damaged upon removal of the staple.  Other places use stickers.  Not a horrible way to label something, right? UNLESS the sticker is on paint that comes off with the label...or leaves residue that is difficult to remove.  I think they should put the stickers on the BOTTOM of the item! My last example is the practice of writing a price directly on an item...and not on the bottom.  WHY!??

Somewhere along this trail of my life, I was taught that if you have a problem with something, you should keep quiet about it unless you have a possible solution.  Well...what is my solution to the issue of how to price items without causing damage? Place your sticker or your write your price on the bottom of an item.  If it is clothing, use the tag to write the price or attach the label.  If there is no tag, perhaps a price tag attached to a string could be used through a button hole or zipper pull.  If they feel the need to use a stapler, at least use an inconspicuous location on the garment, please.

In the big scheme of things, these are little "problems" -- and I am fully aware of how blessed & lucky I am.  BUT, this is Miscellaneous Monday on our little thrift store blog, so I thought I'd mention it :)

Now, I'm going to get off the computer & be productive - more spring cleaning & decluttering!

Happy Thrifting!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Misc. Monday: What We RARELY, if Ever, Buy at a Thrift Store

     We recently shared our list of things we prefer to buy thrifted, rather than new. 

     Today, we'll share our list of things we'd rather not buy thrifted, for one reason or another.  While we love a good bargain, it's just worth it to us to buy some things new.
     On top of our list of items to NOT buy thrifted, with noted exceptions:
          - under garments: underwear, bras, socks. Even though I know that a good, hot washing would most likely render these items quite safe, I cannot persuade myself to thrift these items.
          - electrical items or appliances: UNLESS the store offers a decent return policy if the item does not work to your satisfaction.
          - jigsaw puzzles: UNLESS it's unopened.  It's just not worth the frustration of getting to the end & discovering you're missing a piece! I've been very fortunate & have found many unopened puzzles over the years.

     As you can see, there aren't many things we won't buy thrifted! There's always an "exception to the rule" and nothing is totally off limits.  We try to keep an open mind & make purchasing decisions on an item by item basis!

     OK, let's go...Happy Thrifting!
     (oops had this ready, but forgot to post it)

Friday, April 5, 2013

Funny Friday: (or Frustrating)/My Kid Broke Something OR Something Broke My Kid!?

     Happy Friday! I hope you've had a great week! Mine was pretty good! Easter dinner, birthday party, supplies purchased for projects to make for the new grandbaby, and some thrifting time!! As I contemplated my thrifty history, I had to go "way back" for something "funny."  (At the time, it was not funny at all.  In fact, it took years for me to not get angry whenever I thought about it.  It still may not be truly funny, but I'll share it anyway...
     I'll start with a disclaimer, of sorts.  I am fully aware that we (my children & I) are not, and have never been, perfect.  I was always fully willing to take an unruly child outside rather than subject everyone to it! They've been naughty, as all children will be from time to time.  They've also been complimented on their manners & good behavior.  We all have good & bad days, right? I believe it is important to show our kidlets that we have their backs & will stand up for them!  Here's my story...

Thrifty Thursday: Regular Sale Days & Discount Programs ~ Added THRIFTY Savings!

     I'll start out by saying I had a GREAT day yesterday! I went shopping (real stores, RETAIL shopping!?, about an hour from home) and STILL found some great deals - it's all about the savings! I used the 15% off entire purchase coupon at Joann's, which luckily included sale & clearance items this time - and almost everything I bought WAS on sale or clearance :)  We did manage to stop at a thrift store - I found a light-up night sky constellation "thingee" for my 5 year old nephew...He loves it!  While we were out & about, we also noticed that a NEW thrift store is opening this weekend! We'll have to make sure to check it out next time we're over there.

     My thrifty tip for today is that you should learn the schedule & discount programs of your local thrift stores...

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Big 5 Pirate Party ~ Arrrr!

We did it!

Justin is happy being 5, so far.  He did wake up the day AFTER his party and told Mommy "yay, my pirate party is today!"  Um, sorry, buddy.  Mommy told him that he only gets one party for each birthday...I guess it was a successful party in his eyes, too, if he wants another one!

Here are some of the things we did or used, that were thrifted...

Above, the plastic (little tikes, or similar) pirate ship was thrifted.  The kids loved it - we used some thrifted styrofoam balls, about 1-1/2" diameter, for cannonballs. They were a perfect fit for the "cannon" on this ship.  Oh, and the picture of the ship on the lid of the big treasure chest was thrifted...now we need to find a thrifty frame for it & hang it in the boys' room!

We found this one day, paid $1 for it, "just in case" we could use it...Justin saw it when we got home & said it looked like an Atlantis map, so we used it!

Several of the gift bags were thrifted, for cheap! We LOVE to reuse those gift bags... Also, we found a pirate themed book (see the stack on the table) for each child that came to the party, and included it as part of their "party favor" goody bag.  We made sure to find books at different reading levels - everyone found one that the liked! (we didn't pay over fifty cents for any of them)

(I need to figure out how to rotate the pics in here...)  This is the lunch box (I think I mentioned it earlier) that we found for $2 & Amanda painted it to look like a treasure chest...It looked great! Unfortunately, I didn't get a better picture of it...and the little guy in the pic with our birthday boy LOVED that little treasure chest so much - he carried it around the rest of the party.  Justin was very sweet & let his friend keep it!  :)  awwww.

We got these 2 bottles for $1 each.  We thought they looked cool, but kinda smelled "funky" so we just used them for decoration.

THIS is the amazing treasure chest we found, $3, and we found it last week, just in the nick of time for the party! Needless to say, it was a big hit, too. 

This is a star chart globe - at first we thought it was a "regular" globe with the continents, but we liked it, so we got it for $1 & hung if from the ceiling.

The aquarium decoration was a big hit, too.  We just put it on the table by the treasure chest.  It was only $1, I think.

Well, I was on photog duty & apparently, I missed some stuff... Not included in pictures are several serving bowls & trays, thrifted for cheap. 

Most of the items thrifted for this birthday bash will be reused in the boys' bedroom when it shifts from a Spiderman theme to the Pirate theme.  Originally, we planned to do this at Christmastime, like we did Spidey for Christmas last year, but both boys are liking Pirates right now, so it might be changed early.  We'll just keep looking for thrifty pirate items for the bedroom re-do!

Whew.  Party done.  Next party, the little one turns 3...he says he wants a pirate party, too.  We'll see.  The next one will be more low-key.  We like to do the "bigger" parties for milestone years (turning 5, ready for school, etc.).  In the meantime...

Happy Thrifting!

Thrifted Treasure of the Month: March 2013

We actually braved town & a few thrift stores on a Saturday! My son wanted to pick up some job applications and Amanda & I had several other errands to tend to -- PLUS it was a dry, sunny, spring day and there were yard sales to visit!

It was extremely handy having my son (almost 18) along for the ride, because we were able to pop in & out of the stores while he stayed in the car & entertained his little cousins! We found an awesome treasure chest for the Big 5 Pirate Party, complete with skull accents.  On our list of treasures for the outing: the treasure chest, a couple books, a few VHS movies, a couple hats for the kids, a pirate-y themed aquarium decoration, and THE treasure of the day, AND month...A pair of Men's size 13, Foot Joy golf shoes, that sell for $180 new.  I paid...$4.50.  Amanda brought them to my attention because my husband loves golf & they looked brand new, but she could find the size...I hunted 'til I found they were 13s, we talked about the apparent quality (leather, good spikes, etcyou.) and figured they must be expensive...I paid the $4.50 & put the shoes in my gift stash, thinking I'll save them for Father's Day or birthday (both in June). 
     As I was relaxing the next morning, I decided to research those golf shoes on the internet...and discovered their value! THEN, I had to give them to my husband instead of waiting.  He was excited to receive them & he told me how much they cost new -- an even more excited when I told him how much I paid!

     I wonder what wonderful treasures we'll uncover during April's thrifting adventures!

     Happy Thrifting!

I Found Something on my "Thrift Store Watch List"


I've been wanting one of these nifty slotted spoon/ladle thingees: (on the handle it says "scoop & strain"...)

for over a year.  I've found them online at kitcheny stuff stores, but I never wanted to pay several dollars for one + shipping.  I exercised patience, which is no small feat, and found one today!! Good things come to those who wait, etc... I was so excited that almost did a happy dance in the thrift store, but instead, I eagerly searched the store for my shopping mates & announced that we could now go home, as I had found THIS!

We found some other deals, too, but this was my favorite!

I bought a Creative Memories "Memory Locker" kit, which sold for $24 new, if my research gave correct information.  (I was a consultant for a few years, so this price sounds about right)...I paid $2.00 for it today, and it was only missing some photo tape runner, some stickers & some of the die-cut papers.  There was a 5x7 album (yes, Creative Memories) in the box that didn't originally come WITH the kit... Anyway, I got a great deal for my $2 pay-out!

I bought some flat sheets (3 at $1.25 each) so I can make some fitted sheets for those extra long twin beds we talked about earlier...

I found a couple adorable baby items today, as well, including a new-in-package, never opened, 2 pack of pacifier clips, for fifty cents.  I still plan to make some pacifier "leashes" but I couldn't pass up this deal.

Amanda found a few things today, too, but I don't remember specifics.  I think I found all the really good deals today...

I'm going to put away all of my new treasures!

Happy Thrifting!!


Woo-hoo! Our reward for a successful party ~ a day of Thrifting! It's 1/2 off everything (almost everything) in the store day at TWO of our favorite stores!

Please tune in later to see what amazing treasures we've Thrifted!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Misc Monday: Happy Easter & Successful Big Five Pirate Party

Happy Belated Easter! We hope you enjoyed your holiday & that you got to spend it with loved ones.  We had a great weekend, family visiting from out of state & topped of with the long awaited Big 5 Pirate Party.  The weather wasn't perfect, but the kids were able to play outside during the non-rainy minutes!

We'll post some of our favorite pics later...especially ones that include Thrifted Treasures.

In the meantime, relax!

Happy Thrifting!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Thrifty Thursday: Avoiding the "Rescue Purchase"

Happy Thursday, folks. It's hard to believe that another week is almost over, as well as the month of March - a quarter of the year.  I'd like to think I've accomplished a lot in the first 3 months of this year, but that is not the case.  The best I can do at this point, is let the beautiful weather (even if it's not happening, yet) energize, renew & motivate me.

For now, Amanda & I decided that I should talk about another of my weaknesses, in the hopes that a) I will stop doing it, or b) I can prevent someone else from doing it.  What is "it?"  We call it "The Rescue Purchase."

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Trendy Tuesday: Check the Sizes & Always Try it On

So as I said before I LOVE fashion but my weakness is shoes!  Let's start with a short story.  I have rather large feet (like size 10, sometimes 11) so I don't normally have the best of luck finding shoes at a thrift store.  My family always says I wear the shoe box instead of the shoes. LOL.  So when I saw these shoes I was very sad to see that they were only 8 1/2.  They looked a little too big to be 8 1/2 so I tried them on and what do you know - they fit!!! The moral to my story is always try on.  You never know if they will or won't fit.  Happy thrifting!!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Funny Friday: Why Did I Buy That...Again!?

*edited because pulished EARLY...* Well, funny thing about this is that I went into my drafts to make sure this post was ready for publishing in the morning...ya know, on FRIDAY.  I realized that I accidentally published it early...oh well.  I guess it's all part of the learning curve.........

Looking back over my many years of thrifting, I've mostly paid attention to the good deals & the thrill of the kill finding that good deal.  Most of the "funny" has been due to our (my) own lack of situational awareness!

The next somewhat (to us, anyway) humorous tale also stems from my lack of awareness.  A couple years ago, I gathered a few boxes of treasures that I no longer felt I couldn't live without & donated them to the Hospice thrift store.  I was a bit proud of myself for actually delivering said boxes, because I tend to box up the stuff & then work around it for a few weeks. 

Miscellaneous Monday: What We ALWAYS Try to Buy "Thrifted"

We hope you all had a great weekend. We went to a couple yard sales & even managed to visit a couple of our favorite thrift stores.  It was sunny, but not particularly warm - it may have reached 60.  We can't begin to tell you how eagerly we await the arrival of warmer (not HOT) temperatures!  We're ready to work in the garden, hike, & go to the beach! We've been watching for new-to-us warm weather clothing & sandals.  We've spent the winter scouring Pinterest & the internet in general for new things to do this summer...and, now, we're just so anxious to get to it!

For now, though, some miscellaneous thrifty thoughts...

Friday, March 22, 2013

Funny Friday: I Bought My Mom's Shirt!

It's not Funny Friday - I have a splitting sinus headache & we neglected to post on Wednesday & Thursday, so I'm feeling like a flake! (It's not like we have a HUGE readership, but it's not a good way to start a new project!)

We've been keeping busy preparing for Justin's Big 5 Pirate Party...Amanda had done most of the work, which I guess is ok, since it's HER kid, LOL. 

I managed to go on a mini-thrifting trip on Tuesday (1/2 off day at one of our favorites).  I scored a couple sturdy baskets, a novel, and an adorable onesie for my first grandbaby, who should arrive in about 6 weeks -- all for $7.

OK, in the spirit of Funny Friday, I'll share a story Amanda teases me about, periodically...

Monday, March 18, 2013

Trendy Tuesday!!

I am Amanda, the other half of this blog and love of thrift stores. 
My love for fashion has always been around.  My style changes by the day so when I was introduced to thrift stores I was hooked!!
My tips for finding your fashion at thrift stores is to look at everything even if it doesn't fit.  You can always change it or add something to make it you.  There is always a way!  As the weeks go on I will be posting my finds and some ways to change what you find.  Remember have fun!!!!

Misc Monday: Spring Cleaning

Miscellaneous thought for this week...

Spring is in the air! I LOVE waking up to the songs chirping birds! My fruit trees are loaded with early-season blossoms, daffodills & dandelions abound, the honking geese are happily flying northward! It's time to shake off the winter doldrums & enjoy the outdoors! We have grand plans for the upcoming Spring & Summer months & I can barely stand the wait.  If you've ever met me, you know that patience is NOT my best quality.  So, it's time for SPRING CLEANING!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Funny Friday: Free Beds & Half of a Day in the Car

Funny Fridays...

We'll try to keep the funnies related to thrifting, but I make NO guarantees.  I do promise, however, not to embarrass anyone other than ourselves!

Last week, maybe the week before, Amanda found two twin bed frames at a thrift store - sturdy, metal frames.  They cost her a little more than she would've liked to spend, but she has two little boys who are ready to graduate out of their toddler beds...  She put them aside until she could find inexpensive beds.  (We plan to re-decorate their bedroom at Christmas, so she was in no hurry, really.)

Thursday, March 14, 2013

National Thrift Store Directory Listing Charity Resale, Second Hand, and Consignment Shops

I stumbled upon THIS site while looking for something else...pretty nifty.  You can search for charity based stores by zip code OR city/state.  This will be good to have when traveling.  Yes, I try to go thrifting while I'm traveling!

TheThriftShopper.Com National Thrift Store Directory Listing Charity Resale, Second Hand, and Consignment Shops

Thrifty Thursday: Lists & An Open Mind

Welcome to our first Thrifty Thursday ~ when we'll share random Thrifty Thoughts and the occasional tip for successful thrift store shopping.

When we talked about using Thrifty Thursday for tips & thoughts, the first thing that came to mind was to CARRY A LIST.  I'm a big fan (addict) of lists.  I should probably have a list to keep track of my lists.  My family makes fun of me for my lists, but I am not deterred!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Our Current Favorite Thrifty Find - The Musical Ship

Our current focus is the 5th birthday party for Amanda's oldest.  This will be a pirate themed event, so we are on the look-out for all things pirate. 

We found THIS:  (at the Sutter Amador Hospital Auxiliary Thrift Shop)

and while it doesn't scream "pirate"... it was, at least, a ship.  AND it is musical, which Justin also currently loves.  So, for $2, we were thrilled, and even though the musical mechanics weren't working, we could see that it had potential.  Amanda, resourceful as she is, posted a question on a facebook yard sale group asking if anyone knew where to go for music box repairs.  We were referred to The Sutter Creek Music Box Company (link in our "places we love" list).  We visited their beautiful store yesterday, thinking we'd have to leave the ship for repairs, assuming it could even BE repaired, and hope to get it back in time for the party.  WELL, lucky for us, Mark was able to clean it & had it running within 30 minutes! As it plays, the ship moves up & down...Justin will LOVE this thing!

Even though it is not a THRIFT store, we want to make sure we give them some "word of mouth" advertising! We are sure to visit The Sutter Creek Music Box Company again!
This BLOG under construction.  We'll be up & running soon, so please visit again!